📄️ Overview
📄️ Data
The Task 3 data consists of simulated hearing aid inputs that have been constructed using a set of real high-order ambisonic noise backgrounds and high-order ambisonic impulse responses that were recorded for the challenge. Target materials were added to the backgrounds in a similar manner to that used in Task 1, i.e. with the target speaker onsetting shortly after the scene starts and with a listener head rotation. Data has been split into two sets: 6,000 scenes for training and a 2,500 scene development set. A further 1,500 scenes were recorded and have been set aside for evaluation.
📄️ Rules
What information can I use?
📄️ Baseline
A baseline system for all of the tasks is provided as part of the latest release of the PyClarity toolkit available on GitHub. For this challenge round we ask entrants to use latest packaged release in the v0.5.x series.
📄️ Submission
If you are considering participating in any of the CEC3 tasks, please register early so that we can keep you informed.