Important Dates
- 16th November 2021: Launch of challenge, release of data.
- 23rd November 2021: Webinar to introduce the challenge 15:00-17:00 UK time.
- 1st March 2022: Release of evaluation data.
- 21st March 2022: Submission deadline. All entrants submit their predictions plus a draft of their technical report. Scores will be returned with 24 hours of submission.
- 28th March 2022: Deadline for Interspeech paper submission.
- 25th April 2022: Deadline by which all entrants must submit two page technical reports to Clarity Prediction Challenge 2022 workshop.
- 29th June 2022: Clarity Prediction Challenge 2022 workshop.
- Sept 18-22, 2022: Interspeech 2022 Special Session.