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Live events in January

Β· 2 min read
Lara Harris
Clarity Team Member

The Clarity team are hosting two live sessions this month related to the Prediction Challenge. Everyone is welcome to attend, whether or not you have registered to participate in the challenge or are still considering signing up.

The presentations will be very similar to the webinar in November. These events are intended as a chance for people in different time zones to attend live and ask the team questions.

Hosting is via Microsoft Teams. You can join from your browser without needing to install Teams, but if you join from a mobile device you may need to install the Teams app.

Webinar - Challenge Overview​

Friday 14th January​

9:00 GMT | 17:00 CST (GMT+8)

Click here to join the webinar​

An introduction to the aims of the challenge and some background to the problem of speech intelligibility prediction for hearing aids:

  • Welcome, introduction to Clarity.
  • Speech intelligibility models: Overview and why are they needed.
  • Hearing impairment speech intelligibility prediction.
  • The prediction challenge - details and how you can sign up to participate.
  • Audience questions / discussion.

The presentations will be recorded and made available online shortly after the event. The Q&A discussion will not be recorded.

You are welcome to join slightly later if you are only interested in joining for the Q&A section (presentations should finish around 9:40 GMT).

Live Q&A session​

Monday 17th January​

17:00 GMT | 12:00 EST (GMT-5) | 9:00 PST (GMT-8)

Click here to join the Q&A​

A chance to ask the team questions about the Clarity Prediction Challenge - for anyone that could not attend the webinar on Friday 14th due to time zone differences.

Please note there will be no presentations in this session. The talks from Friday’s webinar will be uploaded to the Clarity project YouTube channel later in the day so you are invited to watch those before joining this live Q&A.