recipes.cpc2.baseline.predict module

Make intelligibility predictions from HASPI scores.

class recipes.cpc2.baseline.predict.LogisticModel[source]

Bases: object

Class to represent a logistic mapping.

Fits a logistic mapping from input values x to output values y.

fit(x, y)[source]

Fit a mapping from x values to y values.

params: np.ndarray | None = None

Predict y values given x.


TypeError – If the predict() method is called before fit().

recipes.cpc2.baseline.predict.make_disjoint_train_set(full_df: pandas.DataFrame, test_df: pandas.DataFrame) pandas.DataFrame[source]

Make a disjoint train set for given test samples.

recipes.cpc2.baseline.predict.predict(cfg: DictConfig)[source]

Predict intelligibility from HASPI scores.