Before getting started you should ensure you have installed pyClarity within a virtual environment, if you’ve not already done so please refer to the installation instructions.
To check run pip show pyclarity
and you should get some information about the installed version.
Version: 0.1.0
Summary: Tools for the Clarity Challenge
Author: The PyClarity team
License: MIT
Location: /home/usera/work/projects/claritychallenge/clarity
Requires: audioread, hydra-core, hydra-submitit-launcher, importlib-metadata, librosa, matplotlib, numpy, omegaconf, pandas, pyloudnorm, scikit-learn, scipy, SoundFile, tqdm
If you don’t see similar to the above then check that you have activated the Virtual Environment you made the install under, if the package still isn’t found then you should go through the installation process again within your Virtual Environment.
Jupyter Notebooks¶
These tutorials are available as Jupyter Notebooks pyClarity Tutorials that run in Google CoLab.
The examples and code below take you through the using the pyClarity tools using smaller demo datasets which are
provided under
and have specific functions for loading.
01 Installing pyClarity and Using Metadata¶
This demonstration uses only the metadata
datasets and it is downloaded to the clarity_data/demo/metadata/
from import demo_data
This will have created a directory called clarity_data
containing the metadata files that have been downloaded.
The structure of the metadata files¶
There are four metadata files
- geometry of the rooms used for the simulationsscenes
- information about the sound scene that is playing in the roomlisteners
- audiometric data for the hearing-impaired listeners who will listen to the scenesscenes_listeners
- a mapping assigning specific listeners to specific scenes (in the evaluation, each scene will be listened to by three separate listeners)
Information about individual rooms, scenes, listeners etc is stored as a dictionary. The complete collections are then stored as either a list or dict depending on how the collection is mostly conveniently indexed. The datastructure of the four datatypes is summarized below.
Dataset | Structure | Index |
rooms |
list of dicts | int |
scenes |
list of dicts | int |
listener |
dict of dicts | LISTENER_ID |
scenes_listeners |
dict of lists | LISTENED_ID |
Data is stored in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format and the components
, rooms
, listeners
and scene_listeners
can be loaded with the following.
import json
with open("clarity_data/demo/metadata/scenes.demo.json") as f:
scenes = json.load(f)
with open("clarity_data/demo/metadata/rooms.demo.json") as f:
rooms = json.load(f)
with open("clarity_data/demo/metadata/listeners.json") as f:
listeners = json.load(f)
with open("clarity_data/demo/metadata/") as f:
scenes_listeners = json.load(f)
Elements of a list are accessed using the numerical index (starting at 0
). Whilst elements of a dictionary are
accessed using the keys. We extract the first (0
th) scene and inspect the SNR
scene_0 = scenes[0]
print(f"Keys for scene_0 : {scene_0.keys()}")
print(f'Value of SNR for scene_0 : {scene_0["SNR"]}')
# Directly...
print(f'Value of SNR for scene_0 : {scenes[0]["SNR"]}')
Processing Collections of Scenes¶
Processes can be run over the complete list of scenes using standard Python iteration tools such as for
and in
particular list and dictionary
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16,9))
# Get list of SNRs of scenes
snr_values = np.array([s["SNR"] for s in scenes], dtype="float32")
# Plot histogram
ax[0].set_title("Histogram of SNR values")
ax[0].set_xlabel("SNR (dB)")
# Get list of number of interferers in scenes
n_interferers = np.array([len(s["interferers"]) for s in scenes], dtype="int32")
# Prepare data for boxplot
snr_comparison_data = [
[s for s, n in zip(snr_values, n_interferers) if n == 2],
[s for s, n in zip(snr_values, n_interferers) if n == 3],
# Plot boxplot
ax[1].boxplot(np.array(snr_comparison_data, dtype="object"))
ax[1].set_xlabel("Number of interferers")
ax[1].set_ylabel("SNR (dB)")
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, wspace=0.4, hspace=0.4)
Associations between metadata types¶
There are various associations between the metadata types which sometime require cross referencing from one collection to another.
For example, room dimensions are stored in the room dict rather than directly in the scene dict. So to get the room dimensions for a given scene, you need to first look at the room ID field in the scene to find the correct room.
One approach to doing this is shown below.
room_id = scene_0["room"]
# Iterate through rooms to find the one named `room_id`
room = next((item for item in rooms if item["name"] == room_id), None)
This approach uses a linear search and is therefore not very efficient. If you are going to be doing this often you might want to convert the list of rooms into a dictionary indexed by room ID, e.g.
room_dict = {room["name"]: room for room in rooms}
You can now look up the dimensions of a scene’s room more efficiently,
room_id = scene_0["room"]
Example: Locating information about the scene’s listener¶
We will now use these ideas to plot the audiograms of one of the listeners associated with a specific scene. The code also prints out some information about the target and listener locations that are stored in the scene’s associated room dict.
scene_no = 32 # this is just an arbitrary index. try any from 0 - 49
scene = scenes[scene_no]
room = room_dict[scene["room"]]
current_listeners = scenes_listeners[scene["scene"]]
f'\nScene number {scene_no} (ID {scene["scene"]}) has room dimensions of {room["dimensions"]}'
f'\nSimulated listeners for scene {scene_no} have spatial attributes: \n{room["listener"]}'
print(f'\nAudiograms for listeners in Scene ID {scene["scene"]}')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, len(current_listeners))
ax[0].set_ylabel("Hearing level (dB)")
for i, l in enumerate(current_listeners):
listener_data = listeners[l]
(left_ag,) = ax[i].plot(
label="left audiogram",
(right_ag,) = ax[i].plot(
label="right audiogram",
ax[i].set_title(f"Listener {l}")
ax[i].set_ylim([-100, 10])
plt.legend(handles=[left_ag, right_ag])
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, wspace=0.4, hspace=0.4)
02 Running the CEC2 Baseline from the command line¶
Python comes with a Read, Eval, Print, Loop (REPL) interactive shell that can be started from within your Virtual
Environment by typing python
. Many users prefer the improved iPython shell which can
be installed with pip install ipython
and invoked with ipython
. Either shell works with the following.
Install Demo Data¶
In a shell navigate to the location where you have cloned the pyClarity repository and start an iPython shell
$ cd ~/path/to/where/pyclarity/is/cloned
$ BASE_DIR=$(pwd)
$ ipython
Python 3.10.5 (main, Jun 6 2022, 18:49:26) [GCC 12.1.0]
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 8.4.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
In [1]:
You can now get the demo data with…
from import demo_data
Now you have exited to your shell you can change working directory to the location of the shell scripts you wish to run and see what files have been downloaded.
cd clarity/recipes/cec2/baseline
ls -lha
Inspecting Existing Configuration¶
All of the included shell scripts take configurable variables from the yaml files in the same directory as the shell script.Typically these are named config.yaml
, however, other names may be used if more than one shell script is in a directory.
We can inspect the contents of the config file using !cat
cat config.yaml
The general organisation of the config files is hierarchical, with property labels depending on the script in question. The config file for the enhance and evaluate recipes contains configurable paramaters for both scripts. These include:
Paths for the locations of audio files, metadata and the export location for generated files
Paramaters for the NAL-R fitting
Paramaters for the automatic gain control (AGC) compressor used in the baseline enhancer
Parameters for the challenge evaluator
Parameters necessary for Hydra to run
The path.root
parameter defaults to a null value (???
) and must be overriden with a dataset root path when the
Python script is called in the command line, e.g.
user:~$ python path.root='/path/to/project'
Note the lack of slash at the end of the path.root
argument string. If you inspect a variable such as path.metadata_dir
you will see that this slash is already included in the line.
root: ???
metadata_dir: ${path.root}/clarity_data/metadata
The general form for overriding a parameter in the CLI is dot indexed. For the following entry in a config.yaml
parameter_0: some_value
parameter_1: some_other_value
The CLI syntax to override those values would be:
python A.B.parameter_0="new_value" A.B.parameter_1="another_new_value"
We are now ready to run the prepared Python script recipes/cec2/baseline/
to enhance the audio. However, the
standard configuration is designed to work with the full clarity dataset. We can redirect the script to the correct
folders to use the demo data we have downloaded by overriding the appropriate configuration parameters.
python \
path.root=${BASE_DIR} \
path.metadata_dir="$\{path.root\}/clarity_data/demo/metadata" \
path.scenes_listeners_file="$\{path.metadata_dir\}/scenes_listeners.demo.json" \
path.listeners_file="$\{path.metadata_dir\}/listeners.json" \
from pathlib import Path
import IPython.display as ipd
audio_path = Path("exp/exp/enhanced_signals")
audio_files = list(audio_path.glob("**/*.wav"))
# Listen to a single file
You can now use the recipes/cec2/baseline/
script to generate HASPI scores for the signals. The evaluation
is run in the same manner as the enhancement script.
python \
path.root=${BASE_DIR} \
path.metadata_dir="$\{path.root\}/clarity_data/demo/metadata" \
path.scenes_listeners_file="$\{path.metadata_dir\}/scenes_listeners.demo.json" \
path.listeners_file="$\{path.metadata_dir\}/listeners.json" \
Now the HASPI scores have been generated, it is possible to plot the results to assess the improvement imparted by the
signal processing. Start a Python shell (python
or ipython
) and paste the following code.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
unprocessed_si = pd.read_csv("exp/exp/si.csv")
processed_si = pd.read_csv("exp/exp/si_unproc.csv")
data = np.array([processed_si.loc[:, "haspi"], unprocessed_si.loc[:, "haspi"]])
plt.title("HASPI Scores")
plt.xticks([1, 2], ["Unprocessed", "Processed"])
03 Running the CEC2 Baseline from Python¶
We will be using scene audio and associated metadata. This can be downloaded using the Clarity package’s demo_data
from import demo_data
By default, the demo data will have been downloaded into a directory called clarity_data
Running the baseline¶
Importing the baseline NALR and Compressor components¶
The baseline enhancer is based on NAL-R prescription fitting. Since output signals are required to be in 16-bit integer format, a slow acting automatic gain control is implemented to reduce clipping of the signal introduced by the NAL-R fitting for audiograms which represent more severe hearing loss. The AGC is followed by a soft-clip function.
The NAL-R and AGC (compressor) classes can be accessed by importing them from the clarity.enhancer
from clarity.enhancer.compressor import Compressor
from clarity.enhancer.nalr import NALR
Configuring the NALR and Compressor components¶
To allow for scalable and flexible running on both local and HPC platforms, many Clarity challenge CEC2 scripts and tools depend on hydra and submitit for the configuration of Python code, for the setting of environment variables such as dataset directories, and for enabling parallelisation of Python on both HPC and local machines. (A full description of how hydra and submitit is used in the Clarity challenges is out of the scope of this tutorial).
In this tutorial, we will be importing the baseline configuration file directly using omegaconf
. The module can read a
configuration file in YAML format and return a DictConfig object storing the configuration data.
The configuration is included under the clarity/recipes/cec2/baseline/config.yaml
from when you installed the
`pyclarity** package.
The location of the recipes
needs a little figuring out and will depend on how you have installed pyclarity
If you installed from PyPI using pip
under a Miniconda virtual environment called clarity
configured to
store the virtual environments in the default location of ~/miniconda3/
then the recipes
directory will be under
If you used a more traditional Virtual Environment which is configured to save environments under ~/.virtualenv
called your environment pyclarity
then the location will be
If you have installed pyclarity from GitHub then the recipes will be under clarity/recipes/
in the cloned directory.
If you are unsure where to find the files and are on a UNIX like operating system you can search for them with the following…
find ~/ -type f -iname "config.yaml" | grep recipes
from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf
# IMPORTANT - Modify the following line to reflect where the recipes are located, see notes above
cfg = OmegaConf.load("/home/<username>/.virtualenv/pyclarity/lib/python3.10/site-packages/recipes/cec2/baseline/config.yaml")
assert isinstance(cfg, DictConfig)
We will need to override some of the standard paths provided in the baseline config.yaml
to enable us to run the
baseline on the demo data in this tutorial environment.
We need to supply:
The root directory of the project data and metadata
The directory of the metadata
The directory of the audio data
The default configuration can be overridden by changing the values in the cfg
cfg.path["root"] = "clarity_data/demo"
cfg.path["metadata_dir"] = "${path.root}/metadata"
cfg.path["scenes_folder"] = "${path.root}/scenes"
(Side note: the Clarity tools come with higher level recipe
scripts that are designed to be used from the command line. When working with these, default configurations can be overriden by passing command line arguments.)
With the configuration modified, we can now instantiate our NALR
and Compressor
enhancer = NALR(**cfg.nalr)
compressor = Compressor(**cfg.compressor)
Selecting a scene and a listener¶
NAL-R fitting involves creating a complementary filterbank that is tuned to the audiogram of a specific listener.
For each scene in the Clarity data set, there are three associated listeners that have been randomly selected, i.e., you are told which listeners to process each scene for. Using the right listeners is particularly important when processing the development (and evaluation) data, i.e., to ensure that your results are comparable with those of others.
The listener audiogram data and the scene-listener associations are defined in the Clarity metadata.
We will first load the scene, targets, listeners and scene_listeners data from the JSON files in which they are stored:
import json
with open("clarity_data/demo/metadata/scenes.demo.json") as f:
scene_metadata = json.load(f)
with open("clarity_data/demo/metadata/listeners.json") as f:
listeners_metadata = json.load(f)
with open("clarity_data/demo/metadata/") as f:
scene_listeners_metadata = json.load(f)
Next, we will select an individual scene from scenes_metadata
, find its associated listener’s and then find the
listener’s audiogram data.
So we first choose a scene the the scene_metadata
list using a scene_index
, i.e.,
scene_index = 2
scene = scene_metadata[scene_index]
We find the scene’s listeners by looking them up in the scene_listeners_metadata
dict using the scene’s scene_id
as the key.
scene_id = scene["scene"]
scene_listeners = scene_listeners_metadata[scene_id]
This provides us with the list of listener_id
s for this scene.
We will select one listener_id
from this list and use it as the key to select the required listener metadata.
listener_choice = 1
listener_id = scene_listeners[listener_choice]
listener = listeners_metadata[listener_id]
Each listener metadata entry is a dict containing:
Listener ID
Audiogram centre frequencies
Left ear audiogram hearing levels (dBHL)
Right ear audiogram hearing levels (dBHL)
Loading the signals to process¶
Next we will load in the scene audio for the scene that we want to process.
The path to the scenes audio data is stored in the cfg.path.scenes_folder
variable and the audio files are named with the scene_id as the prefix and using the format.
where TYPE
can be mix
, target
, interferer
or interferer_anechoic
can be CH1
, CH2
, CH3
or CH0
The baseline system just uses CH1
(the front microphone of the hearing aid).
Finally, signals are stored as 16-bit integer audio and must be converted to floating point (between -1.0 and 1.0) before use, i.e. by dividing by 2**15.
So, using the wavfile
module from
to read the file, we have,
from pathlib import Path
from import wavfile
fs, signal = / f"{scene_id}_mix_CH1.wav")
signal = signal / 32768.0
We can plot the signal to check it looks OK,
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
Applying the NALR and Compressor components¶
We will now build the NALR filterbank according to the audiograms of the listener we have selected and apply the filter to the scene signal. This is done separately for the left and right ear (i.e., for each channel of the stereo scene signal).
import numpy as np
nalr_fir, _ =["audiogram_levels_l"], listener["audiogram_cfs"])
out_l = enhancer.apply(nalr_fir, signal[:, 0])
nalr_fir, _ =["audiogram_levels_r"], listener["audiogram_cfs"])
out_r = enhancer.apply(nalr_fir, signal[:, 1])
Following this, slow AGC is applied and a clip detection pass is performed. A tanh function is applied to remove high frequency distortion components from cliipped samples and the files are converted back to 16-bit integer format for saving.
out_l, _, _ = compressor.process(out_l)
out_r, _, _ = compressor.process(out_r)
enhanced_audio = np.stack([out_l, out_r], axis=1)
Finally, the signals are placed through a tanh function which provides a soft-clipping to handle any transient segments that have not been dealt with by the ACG.
The final signals are then converted back into 16-bit format.
n_clipped = np.sum(np.abs(enhanced_audio) > 1.0)
if n_clipped > 0:
print(f"{n_clipped} samples clipped")
enhanced_audio = np.tanh(enhanced_audio)
np.clip(enhanced_audio, -1.0, 1.0, out=enhanced_audio)
Note, processed signals will be submitted as 16-bit wav-file format, i.e. by first converting back to 16-bit integer format and then saving to file.
signal_16 = (32768.0 * enhanced_audio).astype(np.int16)
The standard filename for the processed audio is constructed as
filename = f"{scene['scene']}_{listener['name']}_HA-output.wav"
Evaluating outputs using HASPI¶
Enhanced scores can now be evaluated using the HASPI speech intelligibility prediction metric and compared to the unenhanced audio.
HASPI scores are calculated using a ‘better ear’ approach where left and right signals are acalculated and the higher
score used as the output. The ‘better ear’ haspi function (haspi_v2_be
) is imported from clarity.evaluator.haspi
HASPI is an intrusive metric and requires an uncorrupted reference signal. These are provided in the scenes audio data as files with the naming convention SXXXX_target_CHX.wav
. CH1 is used as the reference transducer for this challenge. We load the file and convert to floating point as before.
from clarity.evaluator.haspi import haspi_v2_be
fs, reference = / f"{scene_id}_target_CH1.wav")
reference = reference / 32768.0
We provide the function haspi_v2_be
with the left and right references, the left and right signals, the sample rate and the audiogram information for the given listener.
Below, we first compute the HASPI score for the unprocessed signal and then for the enhanced signal. We can compute the benefit of the processing by calculating the difference.
sii_unprocessed = haspi_v2_be(
xl=reference[:, 0],
xr=reference[:, 1],
yl=signal[:, 0],
yr=signal[:, 1],
sii_enhanced = haspi_v2_be(
xl=reference[:, 0],
xr=reference[:, 1],
yl=enhanced_audio[:, 0],
yr=enhanced_audio[:, 1],
print(f"Original audio HASPI score is {sii_unprocessed}")
print(f"Enhanced audio HASPI score is {sii_enhanced}")
print(f"Improvement from processing is {sii_enhanced-sii_unprocessed}")
For the scene and listener we have selected the original HASPI score should be about 0.081
and the score after
enhancement should be about 0.231
. Note, HASPI uses internal masking noise and because we have not set the random
seed, scores may vary a little from run to run - the variation should not be more than +-0.0005
and often much less.
Note also that the ‘enhanced’ score is still very low - this is not surprising given that the processing is only amplying amplification and compression. There is no noise cancellation, no multichannel processing, etc, etc. The purpose of the enhancement challenge is to add these components in order to try and improve on this baseline.
Good luck!