
It is recommended that you install and use Clarity under a Virtual Environment. If you opt to use Conda it is recommended that you use the minimal Miniconda version which avoids installing tools you won’t use. Once you have installed Conda you can create and activate a virtual environment by…

cond create --name clarity python=3.8
conda activate clarity

The following steps assume that you have activated the clarity virtual environment.


The latest stable release of Clarity is available on PyPI and can be installed using pip. To install simply…

pip install pyclarity


You can alternatively install the latest development version from GitHub. There are two methods for doing so.

Pip GitHub install

To install the main branch directly from GitHub using pip

pip install -e git+

Manual Cloning and Installation

You will have to have git installed on your system to install in this manner.

git clone
cd clarity
pip install -e .