clarity.enhancer.gha.gha_utils module

class clarity.enhancer.gha.gha_utils.FittingParams[source]

Bases: TypedDict

Fitting parameters for gaintable calculation.

channels: int
edge_frequencies: ndarray
frequencies: ndarray
levels: ndarray
side: str
class clarity.enhancer.gha.gha_utils.Gaintable[source]

Bases: TypedDict

Gaintable for a given audiogram.

channels: int
frequencies: ndarray
levels: ndarray
noisegatelevel: ndarray
noisegateslope: ndarray
sGt: ndarray
sGt_uncorr: ndarray
clarity.enhancer.gha.gha_utils.format_gaintable(gaintable: Gaintable, noisegate_corr: bool = True) str[source]

Format gaintable for insertion into cfg file as long string.

  • gaintable (ndarray) – The gaintable to format

  • noisegate_corr (boolean, optional) – apply noisegate correction or do not (default: True)


gaintable formatted for insertion into OpenMHA

cfg file

Return type:


clarity.enhancer.gha.gha_utils.get_gaintable(audiogram_left: Audiogram, audiogram_right: Audiogram, noisegate_levels: float | ndarray, noisegate_slope: float | ndarray, cr_level: float, max_output_level: float) Gaintable[source]

Compute a gaintable for a given audiogram.

Replaces MATLAB GUI interface of original OpenMHA software for gaintable_camfit_compr table calculation. Assumes two channels and that audiogram frequencies are identical at two ears.

  • audiogram_left (Audiogram) – the audiogram for the left ear

  • audiogram_right (Audiogram) – the audiogram for the right ear

  • audf (list) – audiogram frequencies for fitting

  • noisegatelevels (ndarray) – compression threshold levels for each frequency band

  • noisegateslope (float) – determines slope of gains below compression threshold

  • cr_level (int) – overall input level in dB for calculation of compression ratios

  • max_output_level (int) – maximum output level in dB


dim ndarray of gains

Return type:


clarity.enhancer.gha.gha_utils.multifit_apply_noisegate(gain_table: ndarray, sFit_model_frequencies: ndarray, sFit_model_levels: ndarray, noisegate_level: ndarray, noisegate_slope: ndarray) ndarray[source]

Apply noisegate to the gain table

Based on OpenMHA subfunction of libmultifit.m.

  • gain_table (ndarray) – gain array

  • sFit_model_frequencies (list) – FFT filterbank frequencies

  • sFit_model_levels (ndarray) – levels at which to calculate gains

  • noisegate_level (ndarray) – chosen compression threshold

  • noisegate_slope (ndarray) – determines slope below compression threshold


gain table with noisegate applied

Return type:
