clarity.enhancer.gha package¶
clarity.enhancer.gha.gainrule_camfit module¶
- clarity.enhancer.gha.gainrule_camfit.compute_proportion_overlap(a1: float, a2: float, b1: float, b2: float) float [source]¶
Compute proportion of overlap of two ranges.
For ranges (a1, a2) and (b1, b2), express the extent of the overlap in the range as a proportion of the extent of range (b1, b2)
e.g (4, 9) and (6, 15) -> overlap (6,9), so proportion is (9-6)/(15-6)
- clarity.enhancer.gha.gainrule_camfit.gainrule_camfit_compr(audiogram_left: Audiogram, audiogram_right: Audiogram, sFitmodel: FittingParams, noisegatelevels: float | ndarray = 45.0, noisegateslope: float | ndarray = 1.0, level: float = 0.0, max_output_level: float = 100.0) tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray] [source]¶
Applies compressive Cambridge rule for hearing aid fittings ‘CAMFIT’.
Translation of OpenMHA gainrule_camfit_compr.m. Applies compressive Cambridge rule for hearing aid fittings ‘CAMFIT’. Computes gains for compression according to Moore et al. (1999) “Use of a loudness model for hearing aid fitting: II. Hearing aids with multi-channel compression.” Brit. J. Audiol. (33) 157-170
The gain rule limits the gains so that in each band 100 dB output level is not exceeded. This function assumes audiogram frequencies are identical for the two ears. In this implementation, any negative gains are set to 0 dB.
The original function is part of the HörTech Open Master Hearing Aid (openMHA) Copyright © 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2018 HörTech gGmbH openMHA is free software: see licencing conditions at
- Parameters:
audiogram_left (Audiogram) – the audiogram for the left ear
audiogram_right (Audiogram) – the audiogram for the right ear
sFitmodel (dict) – contains the center frequencies for the amplification bands and input levels in SPL for which to compute the gains
noisegatelevels (ndarray) – compression threshold levels for each frequency band (default: 45)
noisegateslope (int) – determines slope of gains below compression threshold
level (int) – input level in each band for compression rate calculation (default: 0 for variable level depending on insertion gains)
max_output_level (int) – maximum output level in dB
- Returns:
- containing gain table, noise gate, and noise
gate expansion slope
- Return type:
- clarity.enhancer.gha.gainrule_camfit.gainrule_camfit_linear(audiogram_left: Audiogram, audiogram_right: Audiogram, sFitmodel: FittingParams, noisegatelevels: float | ndarray = 45.0, noisegateslope: float | ndarray = 1.0, max_output_level: float = 100.0) tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray] [source]¶
Apply linear Cambridge rule for hearing aid fittings ‘CAMFIT’.
Based on OpenMHA gainrule_camfit_linear.m. Applies linear Cambridge rule for hearing aid fittings ‘CAMFIT’. Implemented as described in B. Moore and B. Glasberg (1998), “Use of a loudness model for hearing-aid fitting. I. Linear hearing aids” Brit. J. Audiol. (32) 317-335.
The gain rule limits the gains so that in each band 100 dB output level is not exceeded. The Cambridge formula defines intercepts only up to 5 kHz. Because the intercepts do not vary much between 1kHz and 5kHz anyway (these are all within 0dB +/- 1dB), we extend the last intercept of +1dB at 5kHz to all higher frequencies. This function assumes audiogram frequencies are identical for two ears.
The original function is part of the HörTech Open Master Hearing Aid (openMHA) Copyright © 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2018 HörTech gGmbH openMHA is free software: see licencing conditions at
- Parameters:
sAud (dict) – contains the subject-specific hearing threshold levels in dB HL for the left and right ears, and the audiogram frequencies
sFitmodel (dict) – contains the center frequencies for the amplification bands and input levels in SPL for which to compute the gains
noisegatelevels (ndarray) – compression threshold levels for each frequency band (default: 45)
noisegateslope (int) – determines slope of gains below compression threshold (default: 1)
- Returns:
- containing gain table, noise gate, and noise
gate expansion slope
- Return type:
- clarity.enhancer.gha.gainrule_camfit.gains(compr_thr_inputs: ndarray, compr_thr_gains: ndarray, compression_ratios: ndarray, levels: ndarray) ndarray [source]¶
Based on OpenMHA gains subfunction of gainrule_camfit_compr.
- Parameters:
compr_thr_inputs (ndarray) – levels for speech in dynamic compression (dc) bands minus minima distance (38 dB)
compr_thr_gains (ndarray) – interpolated audiogram levels plus conversion factors of HL thresholds to SPL thresholds (output of isothr) minus compr_thr_inputs
compression_ratios (ndarray) – compression ratios according to CAMFIT compressive
levels (ndarray) – set of levels over which to calculate gains e.g. -10:110 dB
- Returns:
set of uncorrected gains as 2-d numpy array
- Return type:
- clarity.enhancer.gha.gainrule_camfit.isothr(vsDesF: list[int] | ndarray) ndarray [source]¶
Calculate conversion factors of HL thresholds to SPL thresholds.
Translation of OpenMHA isothr.m. Calculates conversion factors of HL thresholds to SPL thresholds. Values from 20 Hz to 12500 Hz are taken from ISO 226:2003(E). Values from 14000 Hz to 18000 Hz are taken from ISO 389-7:2005 (reference thresholds of hearing for free field listening). Values at 0 and 20000 Hz are not taken from the ISO Threshold contour.
- Parameters:
vsDesF (list) – centre frequencies for the amplification bands as 177, 297, 500, 841, 1414, 2378, 4000, 6727, 11314 Hz
- Returns:
conversion factors
- Return type:
clarity.enhancer.gha.gha_interface module¶
- class clarity.enhancer.gha.gha_interface.GHAHearingAid(sample_rate=44100, ahr=20, audf=None, cfg_file='prerelease_combination4_smooth', noise_gate_levels=None, noise_gate_slope=0, cr_level=0, max_output_level=100, equiv_0db_spl=100, test_nbits=16)[source]¶
- create_HA_inputs(infile_names: list[str], merged_filename: str) None [source]¶
Create input signal for baseline hearing aids.
The baseline hearing aid takes a 4-channel wav file as input. This is constructed from the left and right signals of the front (CH1) and rear (CH3) microphones that are available in the Clarity data.
- Args:
infile_names (list[str]): Names of file to read merged_file_name (str): Name of file to write
- Raises:
ValueError: If input channel names are inconsistent
- create_configured_cfgfile(input_file, output_file, formatted_sGt, cfg_template_file)[source]¶
Using Jinja2, generates cfg file for given configuration.
Creates template output file and configures with correct filenames, peak level out and DC gaintable.
- Parameters:
input_file (str) – file to process
output_file (str) – file in which to store processed file
formatted_sGt (ndarray) – gaintable formatted for input into cfg file
cfg_template_file – configuration file template
ahr (int) – amplification headroom
- Returns:
cfg filename
- Return type:
cfg_filename (str)
- process_files(infile_names: list[str], outfile_name: str, listener: Listener)[source]¶
Process a set of input signals and generate an output.
- Parameters:
infile_names (list[str]) – List of input wav files. One stereo wav file for each hearing device channel
outfile_name (str) – File in which to store output wav files
dry_run (bool) – perform dry run only
clarity.enhancer.gha.gha_utils module¶
- class clarity.enhancer.gha.gha_utils.FittingParams[source]¶
Fitting parameters for gaintable calculation.
- channels: int¶
- edge_frequencies: ndarray¶
- frequencies: ndarray¶
- levels: ndarray¶
- side: str¶
- class clarity.enhancer.gha.gha_utils.Gaintable[source]¶
Gaintable for a given audiogram.
- channels: int¶
- frequencies: ndarray¶
- levels: ndarray¶
- noisegatelevel: ndarray¶
- noisegateslope: ndarray¶
- sGt: ndarray¶
- sGt_uncorr: ndarray¶
- clarity.enhancer.gha.gha_utils.format_gaintable(gaintable: Gaintable, noisegate_corr: bool = True) str [source]¶
Format gaintable for insertion into cfg file as long string.
- Parameters:
gaintable (ndarray) – The gaintable to format
noisegate_corr (boolean, optional) – apply noisegate correction or do not (default: True)
- Returns:
- gaintable formatted for insertion into OpenMHA
cfg file
- Return type:
- clarity.enhancer.gha.gha_utils.get_gaintable(audiogram_left: Audiogram, audiogram_right: Audiogram, noisegate_levels: float | ndarray, noisegate_slope: float | ndarray, cr_level: float, max_output_level: float) Gaintable [source]¶
Compute a gaintable for a given audiogram.
Replaces MATLAB GUI interface of original OpenMHA software for gaintable_camfit_compr table calculation. Assumes two channels and that audiogram frequencies are identical at two ears.
- Parameters:
audiogram_left (Audiogram) – the audiogram for the left ear
audiogram_right (Audiogram) – the audiogram for the right ear
audf (list) – audiogram frequencies for fitting
noisegatelevels (ndarray) – compression threshold levels for each frequency band
noisegateslope (float) – determines slope of gains below compression threshold
cr_level (int) – overall input level in dB for calculation of compression ratios
max_output_level (int) – maximum output level in dB
- Returns:
dim ndarray of gains
- Return type:
- clarity.enhancer.gha.gha_utils.multifit_apply_noisegate(gain_table: ndarray, sFit_model_frequencies: ndarray, sFit_model_levels: ndarray, noisegate_level: ndarray, noisegate_slope: ndarray) ndarray [source]¶
Apply noisegate to the gain table
Based on OpenMHA subfunction of libmultifit.m.
- Parameters:
gain_table (ndarray) – gain array
sFit_model_frequencies (list) – FFT filterbank frequencies
sFit_model_levels (ndarray) – levels at which to calculate gains
noisegate_level (ndarray) – chosen compression threshold
noisegate_slope (ndarray) – determines slope below compression threshold
- Returns:
gain table with noisegate applied
- Return type: