Source code for clarity.enhancer.gha.gha_interface

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
import pathlib
import subprocess
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader

from clarity.enhancer.gha.gha_utils import format_gaintable, get_gaintable
from clarity.utils.audiogram import Listener
from clarity.utils.file_io import read_signal, write_signal

[docs] class GHAHearingAid: def __init__( self, sample_rate=44100, ahr=20, audf=None, cfg_file="prerelease_combination4_smooth", noise_gate_levels=None, noise_gate_slope=0, cr_level=0, max_output_level=100, equiv_0db_spl=100, test_nbits=16, ): if audf is None: audf = [250, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, 8000] if noise_gate_levels is None: noise_gate_levels = [38, 38, 36, 37, 32, 26, 23, 22, 8] self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.ahr = ahr self.audf = audf self.cfg_file = cfg_file self.noise_gate_levels = noise_gate_levels self.noise_gate_slope = noise_gate_slope self.cr_level = cr_level self.max_output_level = max_output_level self.equiv_0db_spl = equiv_0db_spl self.test_nbits = test_nbits
[docs] def create_configured_cfgfile( self, input_file, output_file, formatted_sGt, cfg_template_file ): """Using Jinja2, generates cfg file for given configuration. Creates template output file and configures with correct filenames, peak level out and DC gaintable. Args: input_file (str): file to process output_file (str): file in which to store processed file formatted_sGt (ndarray): gaintable formatted for input into cfg file cfg_template_file: configuration file template ahr (int): amplification headroom Returns: cfg_filename (str): cfg filename """ if self.sample_rate != 44100: logging.error("Current GHA configuration requires 44.1kHz sampling rate.") raise ValueError( "Current GHA configuration requires 44.1kHz sampling rate." ) cfg_template_file = pathlib.Path(cfg_template_file) # Define cfg filenames # Read new file and replace any parameter values necessary # Update peaklevel out by adding headroom"Adding %s dB headroom", self.ahr) peaklevel_in = int(self.equiv_0db_spl) peaklevel_out = int(self.equiv_0db_spl + self.ahr) # Render jinja2 template file_loader = FileSystemLoader(cfg_template_file.parent) env = Environment(loader=file_loader) template = env.get_template( output = template.render( io_in=input_file, io_out=output_file, peaklevel_in=( f"[{peaklevel_in} {peaklevel_in} {peaklevel_in} {peaklevel_in}]" ), peaklevel_out=f"[{peaklevel_out} {peaklevel_out}]", gtdata=formatted_sGt, ) return output
[docs] def process_files( self, infile_names: list[str], outfile_name: str, listener: Listener ): """Process a set of input signals and generate an output. Args: infile_names (list[str]): List of input wav files. One stereo wav file for each hearing device channel outfile_name (str): File in which to store output wav files dry_run (bool): perform dry run only """"Processing %s with listener %s", outfile_name, "Audiogram severity is %s (left) and %s (right)", listener.audiogram_left.severity, listener.audiogram_right.severity, ) audiogram_left = listener.audiogram_left.resample(self.audf) audiogram_right = listener.audiogram_right.resample(self.audf) # Get gain table with noisegate correction gaintable = get_gaintable( audiogram_left, audiogram_right, self.noise_gate_levels, self.noise_gate_slope, self.cr_level, self.max_output_level, ) formatted_sGt = format_gaintable(gaintable, noisegate_corr=True) cfg_template = Path(__file__).parent / f"cfg_files/{self.cfg_file}_template.cfg" # Merge CH1 and CH3 files. This is the baseline configuration. # CH2 is ignored. fd_merged, merged_filename = tempfile.mkstemp( prefix="clarity-merged-", suffix=".wav" ) # Only need file name; must immediately close the unused file handle. os.close(fd_merged) self.create_HA_inputs(infile_names, merged_filename) # Create the openMHA config file from the template fd_cfg, cfg_filename = tempfile.mkstemp( prefix="clarity-openmha-", suffix=".cfg" ) # Again, only need file name; must immediately close the unused file handle. os.close(fd_cfg) with open(cfg_filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write( self.create_configured_cfgfile( merged_filename, outfile_name, formatted_sGt, cfg_template ) ) # Process file using configured cfg file # Suppressing OpenMHA output with -q - comment out when testing # Append log of OpenMHA commands to /cfg_files/logfile [ "mha", "-q", "--log=logfile.txt", f"?read:{cfg_filename}", "cmd=start", "cmd=stop", "cmd=quit", ], check=True, ) # Delete temporary files. os.remove(merged_filename) os.remove(cfg_filename) # Check output signal has energy in every channel sig = read_signal( outfile_name, sample_rate=self.sample_rate, allow_resample=False ) if len(np.shape(sig)) == 1: sig = np.expand_dims(sig, axis=1) if not np.all(np.sum(abs(sig), axis=0)): raise ValueError("Channel empty.") # Rewriting as floating point write_signal(outfile_name, sig, self.sample_rate, floating_point=True)"OpenMHA processing complete")
[docs] def create_HA_inputs(self, infile_names: list[str], merged_filename: str) -> None: """Create input signal for baseline hearing aids. The baseline hearing aid takes a 4-channel wav file as input. This is constructed from the left and right signals of the front (CH1) and rear (CH3) microphones that are available in the Clarity data. Args: infile_names (list[str]): Names of file to read merged_file_name (str): Name of file to write Raises: ValueError: If input channel names are inconsistent """ if (infile_names[0][-5] != "1") or (infile_names[2][-5] != "3"): raise ValueError("HA-input signal error: channel mismatch!") signal_CH1 = read_signal( infile_names[0], sample_rate=self.sample_rate, allow_resample=False ) signal_CH3 = read_signal( infile_names[2], sample_rate=self.sample_rate, allow_resample=False ) merged_signal = np.zeros((len(signal_CH1), 4)) # channel index 0 = front microphone on the left hearing aid merged_signal[:, 0] = signal_CH1[:, 0] # channel index 1 = front microphone on the right hearing aid merged_signal[:, 1] = signal_CH1[:, 1] # channel index 2 = rear microphone on the left hearing aid merged_signal[:, 2] = signal_CH3[:, 0] # channel index 3 = rear microphone on the right hearing aid merged_signal[:, 3] = signal_CH3[:, 1] write_signal( merged_filename, merged_signal, self.sample_rate, floating_point=True, strict=True, )