Source code for recipes.cad2.task2.baseline.evaluate

"""Evaluate the enhanced signals using the HAAQI metric."""

from __future__ import annotations

# pylint: disable=import-error
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any

import hydra
import numpy as np
import pyloudnorm as pyln
from numpy import ndarray
from omegaconf import DictConfig

from clarity.enhancer.multiband_compressor import MultibandCompressor
from clarity.evaluator.haaqi import compute_haaqi
from clarity.utils.audiogram import Listener
from clarity.utils.flac_encoder import read_flac_signal
from clarity.utils.results_support import ResultsFile
from clarity.utils.signal_processing import compute_rms, resample

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def apply_gains(stems: dict, sample_rate: float, gains: dict) -> dict: """Apply gain to the signal by using LUFS. Args: stems (dict): Dictionary of stems. sample_rate (float): Sample rate of the signal. gains (dict): Dictionary of gains. Returns: dict: Dictionary of stems with applied gains. """ meter = pyln.Meter(int(sample_rate)) stems_gain = {} for stem_str, stem_signal in stems.items(): if stem_signal.shape[0] < stem_signal.shape[1]: stem_signal = stem_signal.T stem_lufs = meter.integrated_loudness(stem_signal) if stem_lufs == -np.inf: stem_lufs = -80 gain = stem_lufs + gains[stem_str] with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", message="Possible clipped samples in output" ) stems_gain[stem_str] = pyln.normalize.loudness(stem_signal, stem_lufs, gain) return stems_gain
[docs] def remix_stems(stems: dict) -> ndarray: """Remix the stems into a stereo signal. The remixing is done by summing the stems. Args: stems (dict): Dictionary of stems. Returns: ndarray: Stereo signal. """ remix_signal = np.zeros(stems["source_1"].shape) for _, stem_signal in stems.items(): remix_signal += stem_signal return remix_signal
[docs] def make_scene_listener_list(scenes_listeners: dict, small_test: bool = False) -> list: """Make the list of scene-listener pairing to process Args: scenes_listeners (dict): Dictionary of scenes and listeners. small_test (bool): Whether to use a small test set. Returns: list: List of scene-listener pairings. """ scene_listener_pairs = [ (scene, listener) for scene in scenes_listeners for listener in scenes_listeners[scene] ] # Can define a standard 'small_test' with just 1/50 of the data if small_test: scene_listener_pairs = scene_listener_pairs[::400] return scene_listener_pairs
[docs] def set_song_seed(song: str) -> None: """Set a seed that is unique for the given song""" song_encoded = hashlib.md5(song.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() song_md5 = int(song_encoded, 16) % (10**8) np.random.seed(song_md5)
[docs] def load_reference_stems(music_dir: str | Path, stems: dict) -> dict[Any, ndarray]: """Load the reference stems for a given scene. Args: music_dir (str | Path): Path to the music directory. stems (dict): Dictionary of stems Returns: dict: Dictionary of reference stems. """ reference_stems = {} for source_id, source_data in stems.items(): if source_id == "mixture": continue stem, _ = read_flac_signal(Path(music_dir) / source_data["track"]) reference_stems[source_id] = stem return reference_stems
[docs] def adjust_level(signal: np.ndarray, gains_scene: dict) -> np.ndarray: """ Adjust the level of the signal to compensate the effect of amplifying the sources """ dbi = np.array(list(gains_scene.values())) dbn = -10 * np.log10(np.sum(10 ** (dbi / 10)) / dbi.shape[0]) return signal * 10 ** (dbn / 20)
[docs] @hydra.main(config_path="", config_name="config", version_base=None) def run_calculate_aq(config: DictConfig) -> None: """Evaluate the enhanced signals using the HAAQI metric.""" enhanced_folder = Path("enhanced_signals")"Evaluating from {enhanced_folder} directory") # Load listener audiograms and songs listener_dict = Listener.load_listener_dict(config.path.listeners_file) with Path(config.path.gains_file).open("r", encoding="utf-8") as file: gains = json.load(file) with Path(config.path.scenes_file).open("r", encoding="utf-8") as file: scenes = json.load(file) with Path(config.path.scene_listeners_file).open("r", encoding="utf-8") as file: scenes_listeners = json.load(file) with Path(config.path.music_file).open("r", encoding="utf-8") as file: songs = json.load(file) # Load compressor params with Path(config.path.enhancer_params_file).open("r", encoding="utf-8") as file: enhancer_params = json.load(file) enhancer = MultibandCompressor( crossover_frequencies=config.enhancer.crossover_frequencies, sample_rate=config.input_sample_rate, ) scores_headers = [ "scene", "song", "listener", "left_haaqi", "right_haaqi", "avg_haaqi", ] if config.evaluate.batch_size == 1: results_file = ResultsFile( "scores.csv", header_columns=scores_headers, ) else: results_file = ResultsFile( f"scores_{config.evaluate.batch + 1}-{config.evaluate.batch_size}.csv", header_columns=scores_headers, ) scene_listener_pairs = make_scene_listener_list( scenes_listeners, config.evaluate.small_test ) scene_listener_pairs = scene_listener_pairs[ config.evaluate.batch :: config.evaluate.batch_size ] num_scenes = len(scene_listener_pairs) for idx, scene_listener_pair in enumerate(scene_listener_pairs, 1): scene_id, listener_id = scene_listener_pair scene = scenes[scene_id] song_name = scene["music"] f"[{idx:03d}/{num_scenes:03d}] " f"Evaluating {scene_id} for listener {listener_id}" ) # Load reference signals reference_stems = load_reference_stems( Path(config.path.music_dir), songs[song_name] ) reference_stems = apply_gains( reference_stems, config.input_sample_rate, gains[scene["gain"]] ) reference_mixture = remix_stems(reference_stems) reference_mixture = adjust_level(reference_mixture, gains[scene["gain"]]) # Set the random seed for the scene if config.evaluate.set_random_seed: set_song_seed(scene_id) # Evaluate listener listener = listener_dict[listener_id] # Compressor params mbc_params_listener: dict[str, dict] = {"left": {}, "right": {}} for ear in ["left", "right"]: mbc_params_listener[ear]["release"] = config.enhancer.release mbc_params_listener[ear]["attack"] = config.enhancer.attack mbc_params_listener[ear]["threshold"] = config.enhancer.threshold mbc_params_listener["left"]["ratio"] = enhancer_params[listener_id]["cr_l"] mbc_params_listener["right"]["ratio"] = enhancer_params[listener_id]["cr_r"] mbc_params_listener["left"]["makeup_gain"] = enhancer_params[listener_id][ "gain_l" ] mbc_params_listener["right"]["makeup_gain"] = enhancer_params[listener_id][ "gain_r" ] # Get set directory if 0 < int(scene_id[1:]) < 49999: dataset_dir = "train" elif 50000 < int(scene_id[1:]) < 59999: dataset_dir = "valid" else: dataset_dir = "test" # Load enhanced signal enhanced_signal, _ = read_flac_signal( Path(enhanced_folder) / dataset_dir / f"{scene_id}_{}_remix.flac" ) # Apply hearing aid to reference signals enhancer.set_compressors(**mbc_params_listener["left"]) left_reference = enhancer( signal=reference_mixture[:, 0], ) enhancer.set_compressors(**mbc_params_listener["right"]) right_reference = enhancer(signal=reference_mixture[:, 1]) # Compute the scores left_score = compute_haaqi( processed_signal=resample( enhanced_signal[:, 0], config.remix_sample_rate, config.HAAQI_sample_rate, ), reference_signal=resample( left_reference[0], config.input_sample_rate, config.HAAQI_sample_rate ), processed_sample_rate=config.HAAQI_sample_rate, reference_sample_rate=config.HAAQI_sample_rate, audiogram=listener.audiogram_left, equalisation=2, level1=65 - 20 * np.log10(compute_rms(reference_mixture[:, 0])), ) right_score = compute_haaqi( processed_signal=resample( enhanced_signal[:, 1], config.remix_sample_rate, config.HAAQI_sample_rate, ), reference_signal=resample( right_reference[0], config.input_sample_rate, config.HAAQI_sample_rate ), processed_sample_rate=config.HAAQI_sample_rate, reference_sample_rate=config.HAAQI_sample_rate, audiogram=listener.audiogram_right, equalisation=2, level1=65 - 20 * np.log10(compute_rms(reference_mixture[:, 1])), ) # Save scores results_file.add_result( { "scene": scene_id, "song": song_name, "listener":, "left_haaqi": left_score, "right_haaqi": right_score, "avg_haaqi": float(np.mean([left_score, right_score])), } )"Done!")
# pylint: disable = no-value-for-parameter if __name__ == "__main__": run_calculate_aq()