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The 4th Clarity Workshop on Machine Learning Challenges for Hearing Aids (Clarity-2023)
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The workshop will be held in Trinity Business School in the centre of Dublin and just 15 minutes walk from the Interspeech venue.

Trinity Business School


The Trinity Business School is in the North East corner of the Trinity College campus (on Google maps search "D02 F6N2 dublin"). Please note, the entrance from Pearce Street will be closed and you must access the building via the Campus entrance after entering the Campus via Lincoln Gate, Nassau Street or Front Gate.

(Click here to download the map as a pdf).

TCD campus

Wi-Fi Access

To access the venu Wi-Fi, please follow the instructions below.
  • Select the ‘TCDconferenceWIFI’ SSID.
  • A login page should automatically open. If it does not, open a web browser and try go to an external webpage.
  • On the TCDconferenceWIFI landing page, if you do not have a username and password, select the link to self-register. Otherwise enter your username and password.
  • On the ‘Self-Registration’ page, enter the following details:
    • Conference ID: TCDCONF1D
    • Mobile phone number: this will be used to send you a password and will also become the username.
  • On the ‘Self-Registration Receipt’ page, select ‘Sign-In’ and enter the credentials you received via SMS.