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The 4th Clarity Workshop on Machine Learning Challenges for Hearing Aids (Clarity-2023)
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Papers can be either related to the Clarity Enhancement Challenge or to the workshop’s theme, machine learning for hearing aids.

We are accepting both ‘Regular’ papers related to the Workshop’s theme and “Clarity Prediction Challenge’ papers. For details of the format, submission deadlines and review process for each type, see below.

Papers can be submitted using the CMT conference system.

Author kit

Please use the provided author kit to prepare your paper.

Regular papers

  • We are accepting either extended abstracts (2-pages) and full papers (4-pages). In both cases references can extend onto an additional page. Full papers will be given preference for oral presentation.
  • The submission deadline is 2nd June 23:59 Anywhere on Earth.
  • Submissions will be reviewed by members of the Scientific Committee for novelty and quality. Authors will be notified by 10th July
  • Camera-ready versions of accepted papers will be due on 24th July.

Clarity Prediction Challenge papers

  • Challenge entrants will submit 2 to 4 page technical reports (with an additional page allowed for references).
  • The submission deadline for challenge abstracts is 31st July 23:59 Anywhere on Earth.
  • For detailed instructions for preparing challenge submissions please refer to the Clarity Prediction Challenge website.
  • All challenge participants will be invited to present a talk or a poster at the workshop.
  • Abstracts will be reviewed to ensure that the challenge rules are met and that sufficient information is provided about the proposed system. Full papers (2 to 6 pages) will be due after the workshop and published in the workshop proceedings, provided that the review comments have been addressed.

The Microsoft CMT service was used for managing the peer-reviewing process for this conference. This service was provided for free by Microsoft and they bore all expenses, including costs for Azure cloud services as well as for software development and support.