recipes.cad1.task2.baseline.enhance module

Run the dummy enhancement.

recipes.cad1.task2.baseline.enhance.compute_average_hearing_loss(listener: Listener) float[source]

Compute the average hearing loss of a listener.


listener (Listener) – The listener.


The average hearing loss of the listener.

Return type:

average_hearing_loss (float)

recipes.cad1.task2.baseline.enhance.enhance(config: DictConfig) None[source]

Run the music enhancement. The baseline system is a dummy processor that returns the input signal.


config (dict) – Dictionary of configuration options for enhancing music.

recipes.cad1.task2.baseline.enhance.enhance_song(waveform: ndarray, listener: Listener, config: DictConfig) tuple[ndarray, ndarray][source]

Enhance a single song for a listener.

Baseline enhancement returns the signal with a loudness of -14 LUFS if the average hearing loss is below 50 dB HL, and -11 LUFS otherwise.

  • waveform (np.ndarray) – The waveform of the song.

  • listener (Listener) – The listener.

  • config (dict) – Dictionary of configuration options for enhancing music.


The enhanced left channel. out_right (np.ndarray): The enhanced right channel.

Return type:

out_left (np.ndarray)