The 2nd Clarity Enhancement Challenge (CEC2)

Clarity challenge code for the 2nd enhancement challenge (CEC2).

For more information about the Clarity Challenge please visit

Clarity tutorials are now available in The tutorials introduce the Clarity installation, how to interact with Clarity metadata, and also provide examples of baseline systems and evaluation tools.

Data structure

To download data, please visit here. The data is split into three packages: clarity_CEC2_core.v1_0.tgz [28 GB], clarity_CEC2_train.v1_0.tgz [69 GB] and clarity_CEC2_hoairs.v1_0.tgz [144 GB].

Unpack packages under the same root directory using

tar -xvzf <PACKAGE_NAME>

Core contains metadata and development set signals, which can be used for validate existing systems

|   hrir/HRIRs_MAT 167M
|   └───rooms
|   |   |   ac 20M
|   |   |   rpf 79M
|   |
|   └───interferers
|   |   |   music 5.8G
|   |   |   noise 587M
|   |   |   speech 1.4G
|   |
|   └───scenes 39G
|   |
|   └───targets 1.3G
|   |
|   └───speaker_adapt 20M
    |   scenes.train.json
    |   rooms.train.json
    |   masker_music_list.json
    |   masker_nonspeech_list.json
    |   masker_speech_list.json
    |   target_speech_list.json
    |   hrir_data.json
    |   listeners.json
    |   ...

Train contains training set, which can be used to optimise a system

    |   |   ac 48M
    |   |   rpf 190M
    |   |   music 16GG
    |   |   noise 3.9M
    |   |   speech 4.5G
    └───scenes 89G
    └───targets 2.8G

HOA_IRs contains impulse responses for reproducing the scenes or for rendering more training data (scenes).

└───train/rooms/HOA_IRs 117G
└───dev/rooms/HOA_IRs 49G

Data preparation

In this folder, we provide the code used for building scenes (i.e., generating metadata/scenes.train.json and metadata/, and rendering the scene signals dependent on the parameters in the json files. You can reproduce all the scenes with HOA_IRs.

To reproduce the training and development set, first specify the path.root in config.yaml, i.e., replace ??? with YOUR_DATA_PATH/clarity_CEC2_data.

Second run (will skip if the json files of rooms or scenes are already in metadata/)


Third run the

If single-run locally:


The Hydra submitit feature is used for parallel multi-run, see

If multi-run locally, make sure the override hydra/launcher is set cec2_submitit_local, and specify the parameters in hydra/launcher/cec2_submitit_local.yaml, then:

# 50 subjobs
python 'render_starting_chunk=range(0, 500, 10)' --multirun

If multi-run on a Slurm cluster, make sure the override hydra/launcher is set cec2_submitit_slurm, and specify the parameters in hydra/launcher/cec2_submitit_slurm.yaml, then submit the



In this folder, we provide code for generating more training data, objective evaluation with binaural HASPI [1]. The baseline system consists of the NAL-R [2] fitting amplification and a simple automatic gain compressor.

UPDATE: the soft clipping to prevent before saving to 16bit signal has been modified, as the previous version violates the causal rule.

Data generation

The method of using this is the same as for Data preparation. A scenes.train_additional.json will be generated in the clarity_data/metadata/, and additional training data will be generated in clarity_data/train/additional_scenes/.

Baseline enhancement

To run the baseline enhancement system, firstly specify root in config.yaml. You can also define your own path.exp_folder to store enhanced signals and evaluated results. Then run:


The folder enhanced_signals will appear in the exp folder.


The calculates the better-ear HASPI score given the scene-listener pairs in clarity_data/metadata/ for the development set. Specify path.exp_folder to store the results, and specify evaluate.cal_unprocessed_si to decide whether compute HASPI scores for unprocessed scenes. Then run:


A csv file containing the HASPI scores will be generated in the exp_folder.

To check the HASPI code, see here. The _target_anechoic_CH1.wav is used as the reference, with its level is normalised to match that of the corresponding _target_CH1.wav.

The scores of both unprocessed signals and baseline enhanced signals are provided, whose averages are 0.1615 and 0.2492, respectively. Please note: you will not get identical HASPI scores for the same signals if the random seed is not determined (in the given recipe, the random seed for each signal is set the last eight digits of the scene md5). As there are random noises generated within HASPI, but the differences should be sufficiently small. We ran evaluation for the baseline for five times, and the average overall score is 0.2491594 +/- 2.3366643e-6.


  • [1] Kates J M, Arehart K H. The hearing-aid speech perception index (HASPI) J. Speech Communication, 2014, 65: 75-93.

  • [2] Byrne, Denis, and Harvey Dillon. “The National Acoustic Laboratories’(NAL) new procedure for selecting the gain and frequency response of a hearing aid.” Ear and hearing 7.4 (1986): 257-265.