Source code for recipes.cad1.task1.baseline.test

""" Run the baseline enhancement. """

from __future__ import annotations

# pylint: disable=import-error
# pylint: disable=too-many-function-args
import json
import logging
import shutil
from pathlib import Path

import hydra
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
from omegaconf import DictConfig
from import wavfile
from torchaudio.pipelines import HDEMUCS_HIGH_MUSDB

from clarity.enhancer.compressor import Compressor
from clarity.enhancer.nalr import NALR
from clarity.utils.audiogram import Listener
from recipes.cad1.task1.baseline.enhance import (
from recipes.cad1.task1.baseline.evaluate import make_song_listener_list

# pylint: disable=too-many-locals

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def pack_submission( team_id: str, root_dir: str | Path, base_dir: str | Path = ".", ) -> None: """ Pack the submission files into an archive file. Args: team_id (str): Team ID. root_dir (str | Path): Root directory of the archived file. base_dir (str | Path): Base directory to archive. Defaults to ".". """ # Pack the submission files"Packing submission files for team {team_id}...") shutil.make_archive( f"submission_{team_id}", "zip", root_dir=root_dir, base_dir=base_dir, )
[docs] @hydra.main(config_path="", config_name="config") def enhance(config: DictConfig) -> None: """ Run the music enhancement. The system decomposes the music into vocal, drums, bass, and other stems. Then, the NAL-R prescription procedure is applied to each stem. Args: config (dict): Dictionary of configuration options for enhancing music. Returns 8 stems for each song: - left channel vocal, drums, bass, and other stems - right channel vocal, drums, bass, and other stems """ if config.separator.model not in ["demucs", "openunmix"]: raise ValueError(f"Separator model {config.separator.model} not supported.") enhanced_folder = Path("enhanced_signals") / "evaluation" enhanced_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if config.separator.model == "demucs": separation_model = HDEMUCS_HIGH_MUSDB.get_model() model_sample_rate = HDEMUCS_HIGH_MUSDB.sample_rate sources_order = separation_model.sources normalise = True elif config.separator.model == "openunmix": separation_model = torch.hub.load("sigsep/open-unmix-pytorch", "umxhq", niter=0) model_sample_rate = separation_model.sample_rate sources_order = ["vocals", "drums", "bass", "other"] normalise = False else: raise ValueError(f"Separator model {config.separator.model} not supported.") device, _ = get_device(config.separator.device) # Processing Validation Set # Load listener audiograms and songs listener_dict = Listener.load_listener_dict(config.path.listeners_file) with open(config.path.music_file, encoding="utf-8") as file: song_data = json.load(file) songs_details = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(song_data) with open(config.path.music_segments_test_file, encoding="utf-8") as file: songs_segments = json.load(file) song_listener_pairs = make_song_listener_list( songs_details["Track Name"], listener_dict ) # Select a batch to process song_listener_pairs = song_listener_pairs[ config.evaluate.batch :: config.evaluate.batch_size ] # Create hearing aid objects enhancer = NALR(**config.nalr) compressor = Compressor(**config.compressor) # Decompose each song into left and right vocal, drums, bass, and other stems # and process each stem for the listener prev_song_name = None stems = {} num_song_list_pair = len(song_listener_pairs) for idx, song_listener in enumerate(song_listener_pairs, 1): song_name, listener_name = song_listener f"[{idx:03d}/{num_song_list_pair:03d}] " f"Processing {song_name} for {listener_name}..." ) # Get the listener's audiogram listener = listener_dict[listener_name] # Find the music split directory split_directory = ( "test" if songs_details.loc[ songs_details["Track Name"] == song_name, "Split" ].iloc[0] == "test" else "train" ) # Baseline Steps # 1. Decompose the mixture signal into vocal, drums, bass, and other stems # We validate if 2 consecutive signals are the same to avoid # decomposing the same song multiple times if prev_song_name != song_name: # Decompose song only once prev_song_name = song_name sample_rate, mixture_signal = Path(config.path.music_dir) / split_directory / song_name / "mixture.wav" ) mixture_signal = (mixture_signal / 32768.0).astype(np.float32).T assert sample_rate == config.sample_rate # Decompose mixture signal into stems stems = decompose_signal( separation_model, model_sample_rate, mixture_signal, sample_rate, device, sources_order, listener, normalise, ) # 2. Apply NAL-R prescription to each stem # Baseline applies NALR prescription to each stem instead of using the # listener's audiograms in the decomposition. This step can be skipped # if the listener's audiograms are used in the decomposition processed_stems = process_stems_for_listener( stems, enhancer, compressor, listener, config.apply_compressor, ) # 3. Save processed stems for stem_str, stem_signal in processed_stems.items(): filename = ( enhanced_folder / f"{}" / f"{song_name}" / f"{}_{song_name}_{stem_str}.flac" ) filename.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) start = songs_segments[song_name]["objective_evaluation"]["start"] end = songs_segments[song_name]["objective_evaluation"]["end"] save_flac_signal( signal=stem_signal[ int(start * config.sample_rate) : int(end * config.sample_rate) ], filename=filename, signal_sample_rate=config.sample_rate, output_sample_rate=config.stem_sample_rate, do_scale_signal=True, ) # 3. Remix Signal enhanced = remix_signal(processed_stems) # 5. Save enhanced (remixed) signal filename = ( enhanced_folder / f"{}" / f"{song_name}" / f"{}_{song_name}_remix.flac" ) start = songs_segments[song_name]["subjective_evaluation"]["start"] end = songs_segments[song_name]["subjective_evaluation"]["end"] save_flac_signal( signal=enhanced[ int(start * config.sample_rate) : int(end * config.sample_rate) ], filename=filename, signal_sample_rate=config.sample_rate, output_sample_rate=config.remix_sample_rate, do_clip_signal=True, do_soft_clip=config.soft_clip, ) pack_submission( team_id=config.team_id, root_dir=enhanced_folder.parent,, )"Evaluation complete.!!") f"Please, submit the file submission_{config.team_id}.zip to the challenge " "using the link provided. Thank you.!!" )
# pylint: disable = no-value-for-parameter if __name__ == "__main__": enhance()