Source code for clarity.predictor.torch_msbg

An FIR-based torch implementation of approximated MSBG hearing loss model

from __future__ import annotations

import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Final

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torchaudio
from scipy.fftpack import fft
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.signal import ellip, firwin, firwin2, freqz
from torch import nn

from clarity.evaluator.msbg.msbg_utils import (
from clarity.evaluator.msbg.smearing import make_smear_mat3

EPS = 1e-8
# old msbg matlab
# set RMS so that peak of output file so that no clipping occurs, set so that
# equiv0dBfileSPL > 100dB for LOUD input files
REF_RMS_DB: Final = -31.2

# what RMS of INPUT speech file translates to in real world (unweighted)
CALIB_DB_SPL: Final = 65

# what 0dB file signal would translate to in dB SPL:
# constant for cochlea_simulate function

# clarity msbg
AHR: Final = 20
EQUIV_0_DB_SPL: Final = 100 + AHR

[docs] class MSBGHearingModel(nn.Module): def __init__( self, audiogram: np.ndarray, audiometric: np.ndarray, sr: int = 44100, spl_cali: bool = True, src_position: str = "ff", kernel_size: int = 1025, device: str | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() = sr self.spl_cali = spl_cali self.src_position = src_position self.kernel_size = kernel_size if device is None: self.device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" else: self.device = device # settings for audiogram audiogram = np.append(audiogram, audiogram[-1]) audiometric = np.append(audiometric, 16000) audiogram = np.append(audiogram[0], audiogram) audiometric = np.append(125, audiometric) audiogram_cfs = ( np.array([0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16]) * 1000 ) interp_f = interp1d(audiometric, audiogram) audiogram = interp_f(audiogram_cfs) # settings for src_to_cochlea_filt if src_position == "ff": src_corrn = FF_ED elif src_position == "df": src_corrn = DF_ED elif src_position == "ITU": interf_itu = interp1d(ITU_HZ, ITU_ERP_DRP) src_corrn = interf_itu(HZ) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown src_position: {src_position}") nyquist = sr / 2 ixf_useful = np.where(HZ < nyquist)[0] hz_used = np.append(HZ[ixf_useful], nyquist) corrn = src_corrn - MIDEAR interf_corrn = interp1d(HZ, corrn) last_corrn = interf_corrn(nyquist) corrn_used = np.append(corrn[ixf_useful], last_corrn) corrn_forward = 10 ** (0.05 * corrn_used) corrn_backward = 10 ** (0.05 * -1 * corrn_used) n_wdw = int(2 * np.floor((sr / 16e3) * 368 / 2)) cochlea_filter_forward = firwin2( n_wdw + 1, hz_used / nyquist, corrn_forward, window=("kaiser", 4) ) cochlea_filter_backward = firwin2( n_wdw + 1, hz_used / nyquist, corrn_backward, window=("kaiser", 4) ) self.cochlea_padding = len(cochlea_filter_forward) // 2 self.cochlea_filter_forward = ( torch.tensor( cochlea_filter_forward, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device ) .unsqueeze(0) .unsqueeze(1) ) self.cochlea_filter_backward = ( torch.tensor( cochlea_filter_backward, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device ) .unsqueeze(0) .unsqueeze(1) ) # Settings for smearing catch_up = 105.0 # dBHL where impaired catches up with normal # recruitment simulation comes with 3 degrees of broadening of auditory filters: # different set of centre freqs between simulations. # check and categorise audiogram: currently ALWAYS recruit with x2 broadening: # it's the smearing that changes impaired_freqs = np.where((audiogram_cfs >= 2000) & (audiogram_cfs <= 8000))[0] impaired_degree = np.mean(audiogram[impaired_freqs]) # impairment degree affects smearing simulation, and now recruitment, # (assuming we do not have too much SEVERE losses present) current_dir = Path(__file__).parent gtf_dir = current_dir / "../evaluator/msbg/msbg_hparams" if impaired_degree > 56: f_smear = make_smear_mat3(4, 2, sr) gt4_bank_file = gtf_dir / "GT4FBank_Brd3.0E_Spaced2.3E_44100Fs.json" bw_broaden_coef = 3 elif impaired_degree > 35: gt4_bank_file = gtf_dir / "GT4FBank_Brd2.0E_Spaced1.5E_44100Fs.json" bw_broaden_coef = 2 f_smear = make_smear_mat3(2.4, 1.6, sr) elif impaired_degree > 15: gt4_bank_file = gtf_dir / "GT4FBank_Brd1.5E_Spaced1.1E_44100Fs.json" bw_broaden_coef = 1 f_smear = make_smear_mat3(1.6, 1.1, sr) else: gt4_bank_file = gtf_dir / "GT4FBank_Brd1.5E_Spaced1.1E_44100Fs.json" bw_broaden_coef = 1 f_smear = make_smear_mat3(1.001, 1.001, sr) # gt4_bank = loadmat(gt4_bank_file) with"r", encoding="utf-8") as fp: gt4_bank = json.load(fp) self.smear_nfft = 512 self.smear_win_len = 256 self.smear_hop_len = 64 smear_window = ( 0.5 - 0.5 * np.cos( 2 * np.pi * (np.arange(1, self.smear_win_len + 1) - 0.5) / self.smear_win_len ) ) / np.sqrt(1.5) self.smear_window = torch.tensor( smear_window, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device ) self.f_smear = torch.tensor(f_smear, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device) """ settings for recruitment""" cf_expansion = 0 * np.array(gt4_bank["GTn_CentFrq"]) eq_loud_db = 0 * np.array(gt4_bank["GTn_CentFrq"]) for ix_cfreq in range(len(gt4_bank["GTn_CentFrq"])): if gt4_bank["GTn_CentFrq"][ix_cfreq] < audiogram_cfs[0]: cf_expansion[ix_cfreq] = catch_up / (catch_up - audiogram[0]) elif gt4_bank["GTn_CentFrq"][ix_cfreq] > audiogram_cfs[-1]: cf_expansion[ix_cfreq] = catch_up / (catch_up - audiogram[-1]) else: interp_audiogram = interp1d(audiogram_cfs, audiogram) audiog_cf = interp_audiogram(gt4_bank["GTn_CentFrq"][ix_cfreq]) cf_expansion[ix_cfreq] = catch_up / (catch_up - audiog_cf) eq_loud_db[ix_cfreq] = catch_up self.n_chans = gt4_bank["NChans"] self.gtn_denoms = torch.tensor( gt4_bank["GTn_denoms"], dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device ) self.gtn_nums = torch.tensor( gt4_bank["GTn_nums"], dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device ) self.hp_denoms = torch.tensor( gt4_bank["HP_denoms"], dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device ) self.hp_nums = torch.tensor( gt4_bank["HP_nums"], dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device ) self.ngamma = int(gt4_bank["NGAMMA"]) self.gtn_delays = gt4_bank["GTnDelays"] self.start_2_pole_hp = gt4_bank["Start2PoleHP"] erbn_centre_freq = gt4_bank["ERBn_CentFrq"] chan_lpf_b = [] chan_lpf_a = [] fir_lpf = [] for ixch in range(self.n_chans): fc_envelope = (30 / 40) * np.min([100, erbn_centre_freq[ixch]]) chan_lpf_b_ch, chan_lpf_a_ch = ellip( 2, 0.25, 35, fc_envelope / ( / 2) ) chan_lpf_b.append(chan_lpf_b_ch) chan_lpf_a.append(chan_lpf_a_ch) fir_lpf_ch = firwin( self.kernel_size, fc_envelope / ( / 2), pass_zero="lowpass" ) / np.sqrt( 2 ) # sqrt(2) is for the consistency with IIR fir_lpf.append(fir_lpf_ch) self.chan_lpf_b = torch.tensor( np.array(chan_lpf_b), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device ) self.chan_lpf_a = torch.tensor( np.array(chan_lpf_a), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device ) self.fir_lpf = torch.tensor( np.array(fir_lpf), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device ).unsqueeze(1) self.expansion_m1 = torch.tensor( cf_expansion - 1, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device ) # self.envlp_max = torch.tensor(10 ** (0.05 * (eq_loud_db - equiv0dBfileSPL)), # dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device) self.envelope_max = torch.tensor( 10 ** (0.05 * (eq_loud_db - EQUIV_0_DB_SPL)), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device, ) recombination_db = gt4_bank["Recombination_dB"] self.recruitment_out_coef = torch.tensor( 10 ** (-0.05 * recombination_db), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device ) "settings for FIR Gammatone Filters" gt_cfreq = np.array(gt4_bank["GTn_CentFrq"]) gt_bw = np.array(gt4_bank["ERBn_CentFrq"]) * 1.1019 * bw_broaden_coef self.padding = (self.kernel_size - 1) // 2 n_lin = torch.linspace( 0, self.kernel_size - 1, self.kernel_size, device=self.device ) window_ = 0.54 - 0.46 * torch.cos(2 * np.pi * n_lin / self.kernel_size) n_ = ( torch.arange( 0, self.kernel_size, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device ).view(1, -1) / ) center_hz = ( torch.tensor( gt_cfreq /, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device ).view(-1, 1) * ) f_times_t = torch.matmul(center_hz, n_) carrier = torch.cos(2 * np.pi * f_times_t) carrier_sin = torch.sin(2 * np.pi * f_times_t) band_hz = ( torch.tensor(gt_bw /, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device).view( -1, 1 ) * ) b_times_t = torch.matmul(band_hz, n_) kernel = torch.pow(n_, 4 - 1) * torch.exp(-2 * np.pi * b_times_t) gammatone = kernel * carrier self.peaks = torch.argmax(gammatone, dim=1) # for gammatone delay calibration gammatone_sin = kernel * carrier_sin filters = (gammatone * window_).view(self.n_chans, 1, self.kernel_size) # To get the normalised amplitude filters = filters.squeeze(1).cpu().numpy() fr_max = np.zeros(self.n_chans) for i in range(self.n_chans): fr = np.abs(fft(filters[i])) fr_ = fr[: int(self.kernel_size / 2)] fr_max[i] = np.max(fr_) amp = torch.tensor(fr_max, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device) gammatone = gammatone / amp.unsqueeze(1) gammatone_sin = gammatone_sin / amp.unsqueeze(1) self.gt_fir = (gammatone * window_).view(self.n_chans, 1, self.kernel_size) self.gt_fir_sin = (gammatone_sin * window_).view( self.n_chans, 1, self.kernel_size ) "settings for spl calibration" win_sec = 0.01 self.db_relative_rms = -12 self.win_len = int( * win_sec)
[docs] def measure_rms(self, wav: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Compute RMS level of a signal. Measures total power of all 10 msec frames that are above a specified threshold of db_relative_rms Args: wav: input signal Returns: RMS level in dB """ bs = wav.shape[0] average_rms = torch.sqrt(torch.mean(wav**2, dim=1) + EPS) threshold_db = 20 * torch.log10(average_rms + EPS) + self.db_relative_rms num_frames = wav.shape[1] // self.win_len wav_reshaped = torch.reshape( wav[:, : num_frames * self.win_len], [bs, num_frames, self.win_len] ) db_frames = 10 * torch.log10(torch.mean(wav_reshaped**2, dim=2) + EPS) key_frames = ( torch.where( db_frames > threshold_db.unsqueeze(1), torch.tensor(1, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device), torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device), ) .unsqueeze(-1) .repeat([1, 1, self.win_len]) .reshape([bs, num_frames * self.win_len]) ) key_rms = torch.sqrt( torch.sum((wav[:, : num_frames * self.win_len] * key_frames) ** 2, dim=1) / (torch.sum(key_frames, dim=1) + EPS) + EPS ) return key_rms.unsqueeze(1)
[docs] def calibrate_spl(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: if self.spl_cali: level_re_sample_rate = 10 * torch.log10( torch.mean(x**2, dim=1, keepdim=True) + EPS ) level_db_spl = EQUIV_0_DB_SPL + level_re_sample_rate rms = self.measure_rms(x) change_db = level_db_spl - (EQUIV_0_DB_SPL + 20 * torch.log10(rms + EPS)) x = x * 10 ** (0.05 * change_db) return x
[docs] def src_to_cochlea_filt( self, x: torch.Tensor, cochlea_filter: torch.Tensor ) -> torch.Tensor: return F.conv1d(x, cochlea_filter, padding=self.cochlea_padding)
[docs] def smear(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Padding issue needs to be worked out""" length = x.shape[2] x = x.view(x.shape[0], x.shape[2]) spec = torch.stft( x, n_fft=self.smear_nfft, hop_length=self.smear_hop_len, win_length=self.smear_win_len, window=self.smear_window, return_complex=True, ) mag = torch.abs(spec[:, : self.smear_nfft // 2, :]) power = torch.square(mag) phasor = spec[:, : self.smear_nfft // 2, :] / (mag + EPS) smeared_power = ( torch.matmul( power.transpose(-1, -2), self.f_smear.transpose(0, 1) ).transpose(-1, -2) + EPS ) smeared_power = torch.clamp(smeared_power, min=0) smeared_spec_nyquist = torch.sqrt(smeared_power + EPS) * phasor smeared_spec_mid = torch.zeros( [smeared_power.shape[0], 1, smeared_power.shape[2]], dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device, ) smeared_spec =[smeared_spec_nyquist, smeared_spec_mid], dim=1) smeared_wav = torch.istft( smeared_spec, n_fft=self.smear_nfft, hop_length=self.smear_hop_len, win_length=self.smear_win_len, window=self.smear_window, length=length, ) return smeared_wav.unsqueeze(1)
[docs] def recruitment(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: n_samples = x.shape[-1] ixhp = 0 outputs = [] for ixch in range(self.n_chans): # Gammaton filtering pass_n = torchaudio.functional.lfilter( x, self.gtn_denoms[ixch, :], self.gtn_nums[ixch, :] ) for _ixg in range(self.ngamma - 1): pass_n = torchaudio.functional.lfilter( pass_n, self.gtn_denoms[ixch, :], self.gtn_nums[ixch, :] ) dly = self.gtn_delays[ixch] pass_n_cali = torch.zeros_like(pass_n) pass_n_cali[:, :, : n_samples - dly] = pass_n[:, :, dly:n_samples] # Tail control if ixch >= self.start_2_pole_hp: ixhp += 1 pass_n_cali = torchaudio.functional.lfilter( pass_n_cali, self.hp_denoms[ixhp - 1, :], self.hp_nums[ixhp - 1, :] ) # Get the envelope envelope_out = torchaudio.functional.lfilter( torch.abs(pass_n_cali), self.chan_lpf_a[ixch, :], self.chan_lpf_b[ixch, :], ) envelope_out = torch.flip(envelope_out, dims=[-1]) envelope_out = torchaudio.functional.lfilter( envelope_out, self.chan_lpf_a[ixch, :], self.chan_lpf_b[ixch, :] ) envelope_out = torch.flip(envelope_out, dims=[-1]) envelope_out = torch.clamp( envelope_out, min=EPS, max=float(self.envelope_max[ixch]) ) gain = (envelope_out / self.envelope_max[ixch]) ** self.expansion_m1[ixch] outputs.append(gain * pass_n_cali) y = torch.stack(outputs, dim=-1).sum(dim=-1) y = y * self.recruitment_out_coef return y
[docs] def recruitment_fir(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: n_samples = x.shape[-1] x = x.repeat([1, self.n_chans, 1]) real = F.conv1d( x, self.gt_fir, bias=None, padding=self.padding, groups=self.n_chans ) imag = F.conv1d( x, self.gt_fir_sin, bias=None, padding=self.padding, groups=self.n_chans ) real_cali = torch.zeros_like(real) imag_cali = torch.zeros_like(imag) for i in range(self.n_chans): real_cali[:, i, : n_samples - self.peaks[i]] = real[ :, i, self.peaks[i] : n_samples ] imag_cali[:, i, : n_samples - self.peaks[i]] = imag[ :, i, self.peaks[i] : n_samples ] env = torch.sqrt(real_cali * real_cali + imag_cali * imag_cali + EPS) env = F.conv1d( env, self.fir_lpf, bias=None, padding=self.padding, groups=self.n_chans ) env_max = self.envelope_max.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(-1).repeat([1, 1, n_samples]) gain = torch.clamp(env / env_max, min=EPS, max=1) gain = gain ** self.expansion_m1.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(-1).repeat( [1, 1, n_samples] ) y = torch.sum(gain * real_cali, dim=1, keepdim=True) y = y * self.recruitment_out_coef return y
[docs] def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: x = self.calibrate_spl(x) x = x.unsqueeze(1) x = self.src_to_cochlea_filt(x, self.cochlea_filter_forward) x = self.smear(x) # x = self.recruitment(x) x = self.recruitment_fir(x) y = self.src_to_cochlea_filt(x, self.cochlea_filter_backward) return y.squeeze(1)
[docs] class torchloudnorm(nn.Module): def __init__( self, sample_rate: int = 44100, norm_lufs: int = -36, kernel_size: int = 1025, block_size: float = 0.4, overlap: float = 0.75, gamma_a: int = -70, device: str | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.norm_lufs = norm_lufs self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.padding = kernel_size // 2 if device is None: self.device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" else: self.device = device # for frequency weighting filters - account for the acoustic respose # of the head and auditory system pyln_high_shelf_b = np.array([1.53090959, -2.65116903, 1.16916686]) pyln_high_shelf_a = np.array([1.0, -1.66375011, 0.71265753]) # fir high_shelf w_high_shelf, h_high_shelf = freqz( pyln_high_shelf_b, pyln_high_shelf_a, fs=sample_rate ) freq_high_shelf = np.append(w_high_shelf, sample_rate / 2) gain_high_shelf = np.append(np.abs(h_high_shelf), np.abs(h_high_shelf)[-1]) fir_high_shelf = firwin2( kernel_size, freq_high_shelf, gain_high_shelf, fs=sample_rate ) # fir high_pass fc_high_pass = 38.0 fir_high_pass = firwin( kernel_size, fc_high_pass, pass_zero="highpass", fs=sample_rate ) self.high_shelf = ( torch.tensor(fir_high_shelf, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device) .unsqueeze(0) .unsqueeze(1) ) self.high_pass = ( torch.tensor(fir_high_pass, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device) .unsqueeze(0) .unsqueeze(1) ) "rms measurement" self.frame_size = int(block_size * sample_rate) self.frame_shift = int(block_size * sample_rate * (1 - overlap)) self.unfold = torch.nn.Unfold( (1, self.frame_size), stride=(1, self.frame_shift) ) self.gamma_a = gamma_a
[docs] def apply_filter(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: x = F.conv1d(x, self.high_shelf, padding=self.padding) x = F.conv1d(x, self.high_pass, padding=self.padding) return x
[docs] def integrated_loudness(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: x = self.apply_filter(x) x_unfold = self.unfold(x.unsqueeze(2)) z = ( torch.sum(x_unfold**2, dim=1) / self.frame_size ) # mean square for each frame el = -0.691 + 10 * torch.log10(z + EPS) idx_a = torch.where(el > self.gamma_a, 1, 0) z_ave_gated_a = torch.sum(z * idx_a, dim=1, keepdim=True) / ( torch.sum(idx_a, dim=1, keepdim=True) + 1e-8 ) gamma_r = -0.691 + 10 * torch.log10(z_ave_gated_a + EPS) - 10 idx_r = torch.where(el > gamma_r, 1, 0) idx_a_r = idx_a * idx_r z_ave_gated_a_r = torch.sum(z * idx_a_r, dim=1, keepdim=True) / ( torch.sum(idx_a_r, dim=1, keepdim=True) + 1e-8 ) lufs = -0.691 + 10 * torch.log10(z_ave_gated_a_r + EPS) # loudness return lufs
[docs] def normalize_loudness(self, x: torch.Tensor, lufs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: delta_loudness = self.norm_lufs - lufs gain = torch.pow(10, delta_loudness / 20) return gain * x
[docs] def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: loudness = self.integrated_loudness(x.unsqueeze(1)) y = self.normalize_loudness(x, loudness) return y